Divani Caravel
award session

Message from the Presidents
Message from the Presidents
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 27th Congress of the Greek Orthodontic Society and the Orthodontic Society of Northern Greece, co-organized with the Cyprus Orthodontic Society, and with the participation of the Hellenic Professional Union of Orthodontists.
Our annual Orthodontic Congress is a significant event in the field of orthodontics, bringing together distinguished scientists from Greece and abroad. Our goal is to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, the presentation of new research and technologies, and to enhance collaboration and networking among the members of the orthodontic community.
This year’s program encompasses a wide range of topics and challenges we face in our daily practice. Our keynote speakers include distinguished colleagues like S. Chaushu, D. Drescher, S. Gizani, S. Kalfas, G. Kanavakis, P. Madianos, S. Meštrović, F. Naini, W. Papaioannou, E. Papazoglou, V. Psarras, A. Rontogianni, N. Spyropoulos, G. Theodoridis and JC Pérez-Varela. The Department of Orthodontics of the Aristotle university of Thessaloniki, that celebrates this year 30 years of activities, participates with a round table on the cooperation between orthodontics and orthognathic surgery in the treatment of skeletal facial disharmonies in adults, where M. Papadopoulos will coordinate the presentations of A. Chatzigianni and the graduate students of the Department.
On Friday November 29th, 2024, the pre-congress course features D. Drescher from the University of Düsseldorf, lecturing on TAD based mechanics with the Benefit system.
Moreover, this years’ congress we will host a special session organized by the European Federation of Orthodontists [FEO], featuring the 2024 FEO Award for the Best Scientific Paper and the Francesca Miotti Award Young Speaker’s Contest. During the proceedings of the conference, the FEO General Assembly Meeting will also take place.
During the conference, the presentation of the 2024 Athanasios E. Athanasiou Postgraduate Student Research Award project, will take place as well. The inaugural award, recently established by the Greek Orthodontic Society’s Board of Trustees, was presented to Sebastiaan van Doornik from the University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Finally, the established Round Table of the Hellenic Professional Union of Orthodontists will provide us reliable answers to current professional issues of our specialty
We are confident that the congress will be a rich experience for all participants, offering valuable knowledge and new ideas.
Your active engagement and participation are crucial to the success of this congress. Through your involvement, not only you enhance your professional development but you also actively contribute to the advancement of orthodontics.
We invite you to explore our website for more information about the program, speakers, and registrations. We look forward to welcoming you all to the 27th Congress and sharing this exceptional experience together.

E.G. Kaklamanos
Greek Orthodontic Society

V. F. Zymperdikas
Orthodontic Society of Northern Greece

A. Kyriakides
Cyprus Orthodontic Society

A. Karamouzos
Hellenic Professional Union of Orthodontists
Message from the 27th National Congress Coordinator
Message from the 27th National Congress Coordinator

Dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 27th National Congress of the Greek Orthodontic Society and the Orthodontic Society of Northern Greece, co-organized by the Cyprus Orthodontic Society and with the participation of the Hellenic Professional Union of Orthodontists, which will take place in Athens from November 29 to December 1, 2024, at the Divani Caravel Hotel.
The aim of the congress organizing committee is to promote scientific knowledge by covering a multitude of topics within the orthodontic specialty, such as the contribution of the orthodontic specialist in interdisciplinary teams. The rich conference program is based on international trends and developments in scientific data on topics that cover a wide range of applications in everyday clinical practice.
Distinguished speakers from Greece and abroad, both in the field of orthodontics and related specialties, will offer their academic and clinical knowledge with evidence-based opinions on innovative technologies and therapeutic care protocols for our patients.
Alongside the scientific program, there will be a commercial exhibition where all new products and modern technological equipment that can facilitate and advance the clinical practice of Orthodontics will be presented.
The 27th National Congress will be accredited according to the Continuing Professional Development system of the Hellenic Dental Association.
In addition to the scientific program, there will be a series of social events giving us the opportunity to meet beloved colleagues, exchange views, and share beautiful experiences.
Therefore, I would like to invite all colleagues to attend and contribute to the proceedings of the 27th National Congress.
Dr. Alexandra K. Papadopoulou
Coordinator of the 27th National Congress
Celebrating Excellence:
Athanasios E. Athanasiou Postgraduate Student Research Award Recipient at the 27th National Congress
The Athanasios E. Athanasiou Postgraduate Student Research Award was established by the Greek Orthodontic Society (GOS) Board of Trustees in 2024, in honor of Professor Athanasios E. Athanasiou, former GOS President, for his distinguished academic career and leadership in orthodontic education.