Dror Aizenbud

Dror Aizenbud

Short CV

Prof. Dror Aizenbud is the Director of the School of Graduate Dentistry and the Chairman of the Department of Orthodontic and Craniofacial in the Rambam Health Care Campus and Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.  He is the past president of the IADR Israeli Division. He honored a visiting professor nomination at the Craniofacial Anomalies Center, Stanford University Hospital, California, USA. Prof Aizenbud holds a Master of Science degree, a degree in dentistry and a certificate in orthodontics both from the Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel. He spent a fellowship program in the Craniofacial Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago with the group of Drs. Figueroa and Polly.

Prof. Aizenbud’s Oral Biology Research Lab in the Faculty of Medicine, Technion is focused on craniofacial anomalies, biology of tooth movement, craniofacial distraction osteogenesis, dentofacial orthopedics, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and adult interdisciplinary treatment. His main clinical interest is the combined orthodontic-surgical treatment of dental and skeletal malocclusions and anomalies and the application of clear aligners therapy. Prof. Aizenbud has published over 200 original research and clinical papers in refereed journals, including contributions in several monographs and textbooks. He has been invited to lecture at numerous professional organizations around the globe.

Lecture 1: The Art and Science Craniofacial Orthodontics 

Congenital craniofacial anomalies can range from small isolated areas to extensive areas of bone loss involving the entire jawbone and teeth. The resulted malocclusion caused by severe skeletal and dental discrepancies pose a significant challenge for the orthodontist and other health care providers. Nowadays advanced three-dimensional technologies of planning and performance of orthodontics, dentofacial orthopedics, distraction osteogenesis and orthognathic surgery type of managements has become a routine care for the growing child to deliver successful treatment results.

Patients with these conditions often presented with functional and esthetic issues call for coordinated surgical, dental and medical multidisciplinary approach.  Currently practice standards of patients with congenital craniofacial defects are achieved in a team setting and usually span the first two decades of life using the major advantage of patient’s growth potential.

The aim of this presentation is to describe craniofacial orthodontics as the sub-specialty of orthodontics that focuses on multidisciplinary approach for patients with birth defects and dental anomalies.  These conditions often require coordinated surgical and restorative management protocol for practical and effective orthodontic treatment good aesthetics, functioning and occlusal relationships.

Lecture 2: Orthodontic Treatment of Extreme Cases Using Clear Aligners: To Begin with The End in Mind

The combination and interaction of genetic and environmental factors dictate the skeletal and dental malocclusion which lead to patient’s specific orthodontic diagnosis. Complicated orthodontic cases often reflect severe 3D skeletal and dental disorders pose a significant challenge for clear aligner therapy.

However, removable, clear, semi-elastic polyurethane aligners, cover the entirety of the teeth’s surfaces, reflect a sophisticated biomechanical tool for moving teeth. These are capable exert a precisely computerized controlled force which is relatively precision and finally acquire a good occlusion over time. Using the digital planning system, the clinician can specifically study the patient’s malocclusion. A variety of personalized orthodontic treatment plans can be than created, evaluated and presented. Final occlusion, teeth inclination and torque, jaw relationship and soft tissue appearance can be predicted and analyzed before a single tooth is actually moved. Aligners’ biomechanical, esthetic and psychological advantages applied by using software planning, can provide the optimized orthodontic solution for simplest and complicated cases of any age.

In this lecture, individual patient presented with complicated malocclusion will be discussed in details. The the specific tailoring of orthodontic treatment characteristics using the preplanning digital tool will be presented. Skeletal and dentoalveolar discrepancies of children, teens and adults and the unique orthodontic solution aspect will be explained. The application of a specific Invisalign mechanotherapy may combined fixed intraoral and removable extraoral accessories to improve efficacy. Therefore, personalized orthodontics using clear aligners break paradigms to achieve breakthrough results.

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