Nikos Spyropoulos

Nikos Spyropoulos

Short CV

Acquired his dental degree from the University in Gießen, Germany, specializing in Radiation Protection Rules (D.D.S./Med Dent.)

He obtained his specialty in Orthodontics in the Carolinum University Clinic in Frankfurt, Germany.

He has issued plenty of scientific papers, propositions and articles, both nationally and internationally, and has lectured in International Congresses.

He is a founding member in the Greek Orthodontic Aligner Association (GOAS), a member of the Greek Society of Lingual Orthodontics (GRESLO), and he is also an active member of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO), the European Orthodontic Society (EOS), the DeutscheGesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie (DGKFO), and the Greek Association for Orthodontic Study and Research.

Since 2010, he maintains his private practice in Pyrgos, Peloponnisos, and has recently opened his second practice in Kalamata.

He has been an active Invisalign doctor since 2014, having submitted more than 1000 cases up to date.

He has achieved the Invisalign Diamond APEX award for 2 consecutive years (2023-2024,2024-2025).

Lecture: Auxiliaries with Aligners in demanding orthodontic cases: Are they always required?

The use of auxiliaries has risen since aligners became treatment method of choice. Hesitations about the limitations of this method, has led to more frequent use of TADs, sectional braces etc. Join us in a session, where we will question the necessity of auxiliaries
when treating difficult cases with Invisalign.

Dr Spyropoulos will present 3 complex cases, a class II Division 2, a prognathic Class III and an open bite case that he successfully treated only with Invisalign aligners and intermaxillary elastics. He will share tips on successful planning and staging of
such cases and explain how he simplified his treatment plan avoiding the use of auxiliary appliances.

Sponsored by: Invisalign-iTero

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