Simon Graf

Simon Graf

Short CV

Simon Graf is the inventor and pioneer for 3d metal printed orthodontic appliances.
Since 2014 he plans his metallic appliances virtual on an intraoral scan, and produces them directly with selective-laser melting, or 3d metal printing.
Of course in the meanwhile many new printing options appeared, and also many more orthodontic appliances were converted to be printed directly.
But not only metal printing evolved, also direct aligner printing is possible nowadays.
Simon gives a lecture, where he collects all his experience over the years, and presents all different up-to-date printing possibilities for 3d metal printed appliances, and for direct printed aligners.

Lecture 1: 3d metal printing in orthodontics: an update

On 2014, Simon Graf introduced 3d metal printing in the orthodontic world. In his lecture, he will look back on almost 10 years of failures, errors and meander leading finally to useful virtually planned and direct printed appliances. He will demonstrate different ways to plan and 3d metal print Orthodontic appliances, and share tips, how to avoid clinical problems with those appliances.

Lecture 2: Direct aligner printing: a new era in aligner treatment

3d printable, biocompatible materials are evolving every day. Simon will show how it is possible to virtual plan and direct print aligners and integrate them in a digital organized clinic.

In this seceond part, he will also talk about his experience with direct printed aligners, and the vast possibilities of this printing procedure, offering way more than just classic aligner-treatment.
There will be no new aligner-protocol and staging, but many new approaches for direct printed aligners and its possibilities to include other elements.

Session learning points:
-Clinical possibilities with 3d metal printed appliance
-How to plan and connect 3d metal printed appliances with TADs
-How to print aligners directly without cast
-Direct aligner printing
-New aligner thinking

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